Late Bloomers

Second Monday [7:30-9:00pm EST]

Format: Virtual     Type: Support

Facilitators: Cal (they/he), Ellis (hy/they), Madeleine (they/them), and Coco (they/she)

Late Bloomers is a group for anyone dealing with coming out later in life: while married, in a long-term partnership, separated, or divorced. We talk about issues that arise in coming into your gender identity and/or sexual orientation as an adult. Topics that often come up include the fear of coming out to a spouse, navigating changes to relationships, facing resentment and disbelief, feelings of isolation even in the LGBTQIA+ community, the pain of divorce, facing familial hostility, losing one’s support network, parenting difficulties, and more. This group is an affinity space open to anyone who identifies with being a late bloomer. Maybe you are not out, but would like to meet others who share the struggle. Maybe you are married with kids and feel you cannot come out. Perhaps you have been on a journey of exploring your queerness but are still feeling isolated. You might be out already but would like to be around other people who understand the latebloomer experience. Whatever the case may be, we welcome everyone who is searching for a space to navigate the complexities that arise in questioning and coming into your LGBTQIA+ identity later in life. For more information, check out Late Bloomers’ Facebook page.

Suggested Donation$5.00

Credit Card

(Venmo: PrideCenter-ofNJ)

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